P1351 Fault Code: Troubleshooting Peugeot’s Glow Plug Issue

If you’ve encountered the dreaded Peugeot P1351 fault code, you’re not alone. This pesky issue can disrupt your driving experience and potentially lead to more significant problems down the road. We’ll also outline the necessary steps to effectively diagnose and resolve this issue, ensuring that you can get back on the road with confidence.

Key Takeaways

  • Understanding the P1351 fault code is crucial for effective troubleshooting of Peugeot vehicles.
  • Regular maintenance and timely diagnosis can help prevent costly repairs associated with the P1351 fault code.
  • DIY troubleshooting can be feasible for experienced individuals, but seeking professional assistance is advisable for complex issues.
  • Proper glow plug maintenance and periodic checks on relays and wiring can significantly reduce the likelihood of encountering the P1351 fault code.
  • By following a systematic diagnostic approach and utilising reliable resources, individuals can efficiently address the P1351 fault code and its underlying causes.
  • The P1351 fault code often stems from issues related to glow plugs, relays, and wiring, highlighting the importance of thorough inspection and targeted solutions.

Decoding the P1351 Fault Code

The Peugeot P1351 fault code indicates a potential issue with the ignition coil control circuit. This specific fault code signifies a problem with the ignition system, affecting the engine’s performance. Understanding this code’s meaning is crucial for effectively troubleshooting and resolving the underlying issue.

When this fault arises, it identifies an issue within the vehicle’s ignition system, specifically related to the control circuit of one or more ignition coils. By comprehending this information, mechanics can pinpoint and rectify any faults in a timely manner.

Ignoring the Peugeot P1351 fault code can lead to severe consequences for your vehicle. If left unaddressed, it could result in poor engine performance, including misfiring or difficulty starting the car. Prolonged ignorance of this fault may cause damage to other components within the vehicle’s ignition system.

Promptly addressing this fault is essential to prevent further damage and maintain optimal engine functionality. Resolving issues related to this fault code ensures smooth operation and prevents potential breakdowns.

Commonly affected Peugeot models include 206, 307, 406, and Partner vehicles when encountering the P1351 error code. Specific years or variations of these models may also be prone to experiencing this particular issue due to variations in their electrical systems.

Similar faults might occur in vehicles from other brands that utilize comparable ignition systems or components.

Diagnostic Approach

Initial Steps

When encountering the Peugeot P1351 fault code, start by checking the basics. Ensure all connections are secure, and there are no visible signs of damage to wiring or connectors. It’s crucial to prioritize safety during inspection and repair to avoid any accidents.

Before diving into detailed diagnostics, consider basic troubleshooting measures such as inspecting the ignition system components, including spark plugs and ignition coils. These components play a vital role in the proper functioning of the engine and can often be culprits behind fault codes.

Tools Required

For diagnosing and fixing the P1351 fault code, essential tools such as an OBD-II scanner will be needed. This tool allows you to retrieve the specific error code from your Peugeot’s onboard computer, providing valuable insight into potential issues within the vehicle’s systems.

In some cases, specialized equipment or software may be necessary for accurate diagnosis. Having these tools at hand ensures efficient troubleshooting and helps in identifying underlying problems promptly.

Reading the Code

Using an OBD-II scanner is essential for retrieving and interpreting the Peugeot P1351 fault code accurately. The scanner provides access to error messages associated with this particular code, aiding in understanding where exactly the issue lies within your vehicle’s systems.

OBD-II scanners offer diagnostic information beyond just error codes. They provide real-time data on various parameters like engine RPM, coolant temperature, fuel system status etc., which can offer valuable insights into potential causes of issues related to this fault code.

Common Causes of P1351

Glow Plug Issues

Glow plug issues are a common culprit. Faulty glow plugs can trigger this error code in Peugeot vehicles. One symptom of problematic glow plugs is difficulty starting the engine, especially in cold weather. Rough idling or misfiring could also indicate issues with the glow plugs. To address this problem, checking and replacing faulty glow plugs might be necessary. Ensuring that the electrical connections to the glow plugs are secure can also help resolve this issue.

Another potential cause for P1351 fault code is relay concerns. When relays associated with the vehicle’s systems malfunction, they can lead to triggering this error code. Symptoms such as intermittent starting problems or non-starting issues may point towards faulty relays as a possible cause for the fault code P1351 in Peugeot cars.

Wiring Complications

Wiring complications represent another set of potential triggers for the P1351 fault code in Peugeot vehicles. Symptoms indicating wiring problems include erratic engine behavior and difficulties starting the car. Checking for damaged or frayed wires and ensuring proper insulation can help to identify and rectify wiring-related issues causing this fault code.

Step-by-Step Troubleshooting

Visual Inspection

When troubleshooting the Peugeot P1351 fault code, a visual inspection is crucial. Check the wiring harness, connectors, and ignition coils for any signs of damage or wear. Look for frayed wires, loose connections, or corrosion that could be contributing to the fault code.

Inspect the wiring harness carefully for any exposed wires or areas where the insulation may have worn off. Pay close attention to the connectors to ensure they are securely fastened and free from dirt or debris that could interfere with proper connections.

Electrical Testing

Conducting electrical tests is essential in diagnosing the P1351 fault code accurately. Perform voltage checks on the ignition system components to ensure they are receiving adequate power. Perform continuity tests on relevant circuits to verify uninterrupted electrical flow.

Interpreting test results correctly is vital in identifying potential issues within the electrical system related to the fault code. Make sure to compare measured values against manufacturer specifications and look for any deviations that may indicate underlying problems.

Component Checks

Specific components linked to the P1351 fault code require thorough inspection. Focus on scrutinizing components such as the crankshaft position sensor, camshaft position sensor, and associated wiring harnesses for any faults.

Examine these components closely for signs of wear, damage, or improper installation that may be causing issues leading to the fault code being triggered. Follow manufacturer guidelines when testing these components and refer to service manuals if necessary.

Glow Plug Replacement Guide

A systematic approach is crucial for a successful repair. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you resolve this issue and replace the glow plug.

Firstly, ensure your safety by disconnecting the vehicle’s battery and allowing the engine to cool down before starting any repairs. Gather all necessary tools, including a ratchet set, gloves, and protective eyewear. It’s also essential to have replacement glow plugs ready in case they are needed during the process.

Next, locate the faulty glow plug by referring to your vehicle manual or seeking professional advice if necessary. Carefully remove any components obstructing access to the glow plug. Once located, use appropriate tools to safely disassemble and extract the defective part from its position within the engine.

After removing the faulty glow plug, carefully install and secure its replacement into place following manufacturer guidelines or expert recommendations. Ensure all surrounding components are properly reassembled before reconnecting the battery and testing whether this resolves the P1351 fault code issue.

Relay and Wiring Solutions

Relay Replacement

When dealing with the peugeot p1351 fault code, a common culprit is a faulty relay. To replace the relay, you’ll need basic tools like screwdrivers and pliers. First, locate the faulty relay in your Peugeot’s engine bay or fuse box. Carefully remove the old relay by gently pulling it out of its socket. Ensure that the new relay matches the specifications of your vehicle’s make and model before installing it securely into place.

To ensure proper installation and functionality of the new relay, double-check that all connections are secure and free from any debris or corrosion. Once installed, test your Peugeot to see if the P1351 fault code persists. If so, consider seeking professional help to diagnose further issues.

Wiring Repair

In some cases, a peugeot p1351 fault code may be attributed to damaged or faulty wiring within your vehicle’s electrical system. When addressing wiring issues, gather appropriate tools such as wire cutters/strippers and electrical tape for repairs.

Begin by carefully inspecting all wiring related to the P1351 fault code for signs of wear, fraying, or damage. If any issues are found, follow step-by-step instructions for effective and safe wiring repair:

  • Use wire cutters to trim away damaged sections.
  • Strip insulation from healthy wire ends.
  • Connect matching wires using connectors or twist-and-tape method.
  • Insulate repaired areas with electrical tape.

Preventive Measures

Maintenance Tips

Regular inspections and servicing routines are crucial to keep the Peugeot in good condition and prevent future occurrences of the P1351 fault code. By conducting routine checks, you can identify potential issues before they escalate into major faults. For instance, checking the wiring harness for any signs of wear or damage can help mitigate the risk of electrical malfunctions leading to this fault code.

Addressing minor issues promptly is equally important in preventing major faults. This might involve replacing worn-out components, such as damaged relays or corroded connectors, during regular maintenance sessions. Ensuring that all connections are secure and free from corrosion will contribute to a healthier electrical system within your vehicle.

Early Detection

Early detection and diagnosis play a pivotal role in preventing further damage or complications associated with the P1351 fault code. Educating yourself about potential signs or symptoms that may indicate the presence of this fault code can help you take proactive measures before it leads to more severe problems.

For example, if you notice erratic engine performance such as rough idling or stalling, it could be an early indication of the P1351 fault code. Proactively troubleshooting these symptoms by using diagnostic tools like OBD-II scanners can aid in identifying and addressing underlying issues promptly.

Professional Assistance Vs DIY

When to Seek Help

Encountering the Peugeot P1351 fault code can be daunting. If you lack experience in car diagnostics or if the issue persists after basic troubleshooting, it’s best to seek professional assistance. Complex problems like this may require specialized tools and knowledge beyond what DIY methods can provide. For instance, if the fault lies within the vehicle’s wiring harness or engine control module, a trained technician is better equipped to diagnose and address these issues.

Persisting issues with the P1351 fault code could indicate underlying complexities that might not be apparent without professional expertise. In such cases, consulting an expert ensures thorough examination and accurate resolution of the problem. Professionals possess advanced diagnostic equipment that enables them to pinpoint elusive faults more effectively than most DIY enthusiasts.

DIY Considerations

Before embarking on a DIY repair for the Peugeot P1351 fault code, consider your skill level and available resources. Attempting complex repairs without adequate knowledge or experience could exacerbate the issue or cause further damage to your vehicle. However, for those confident in their abilities and equipped with proper tools and resources, attempting a DIY fix can be rewarding.

If you decide to pursue a DIY approach, ensure you have access to reliable repair guides specific to your Peugeot model and familiarize yourself with common troubleshooting techniques related to this fault code. Confidence in your diagnostic skills is key when opting for a self-repair approach.


Congratulations on reaching the end of our guide to decoding the P1351 fault code in your Peugeot! By now, you should have a clear understanding of the diagnostic approach, common causes, step-by-step troubleshooting, glow plug replacement, relay and wiring solutions, preventive measures, and the choice between professional assistance and a DIY approach. Remember, tackling this issue requires patience and precision. Always double-check your work and don’t be afraid to seek professional help if needed.

Now that you’ve armed yourself with this knowledge, it’s time to roll up your sleeves and get to work on resolving that pesky P1351 fault code. Remember, a little perseverance can go a long way in solving car troubles. Good luck, and may your Peugeot be back on the road in no time!